Saturday, November 6, 2010

On This Day In Christian History by Robert J. Morgan

Whenever I read about the lives of the ‘saints’ who have come before me I find encouragement and am astounded by them. Too often I see David, and Paul and others in the Bible and think “It was different back then.” But when I read about people who gave up everything recently I am encouraged to know that even I could make a difference.

Tonight my heart is filled with wonder as I write this. I just received “On this day in Christian History” by Robert J. Morgan free from Thomas Nelson to review. The book is daily readings of events that took place on that date. I found myself captivated and read the entire month of January in one night. Then today read the entire month of February.

Stories such as Obadiah Holmes who on September 6th who in Boston Commons was whipped for preaching Baptist doctrine in 1651. He claimed they whipped him with Roses, saying that it gave him Joy.

Then tonight I watched a film I have been wanting to see for a while, “Molokai: The story of Father Damien”. Father Damien was a young priest who volunteered for starting a church on a Leper colony. This movie showed his persistence, his passions, and his pure love for the people. He touched them as Christ did and trusted God to keep him safe. Father Damien ultimately died of leprosy as well.

In hearing the stories of those who have suffered, and kept their faith we learn so much about faith in God. Trust in Him beyond all other things that distract us.

Back to the book: Robert J. Morgan does a great job at telling the story in a simple one page read that gives you the story and encouragement in each item.

I HIGHLY recommend this book as it will strengthen you in your faith and encourage you in your suffering.
“In this world you will have troubles, but take heart I HAVE OVERCOME the world”

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