So many things happen when you come to the end of a story.
In some the world is saved, or at least the princess.
In some the knight slays the dragon.
Yet in others we see sadness, empty loneliness gripping the hearts of the reader like the long boney fingers of a storybook witch.
So how does this one end?
You know there was a movie from the 80's. Some would say it was a classic, others a bore. Yet to me it was real. We find the story encompassing the main character until he is sucked into another realm an finds the story he has been reading was about him.
So how about you who are reading this blog? How will you find yourself joining in this adventure and becoming what this story is about? Advocate for the orphans (check out orphan sunday at, visit them (check out or your churches missions department), maybe others can support families in their journey financially as you may have done us. New Life Church network has an adoption fund to help support families with a matching grant. allows you to do the same. As well they both partner with Lifesong For The Orphan. Many others are out there such as Show Hope, Love Without Boundaries etc.
You remember the movie I mentioned previously? You remember the title? The Never-ending Story!
For our family the journey will never end. We will be now even more a megaphone for the cry of the orphan.
We will ever help others in anyway we can to adopt. For us, even though the trip portion may be over the JOURNEY will never end.
So how will you help make this journey be never ending? What role will you take?
James 1:27 says "the religion that God our father finds pure and faultless is this: 'to look after orphans and widows in their time of distress and to keep oneself polluted from the things if this world"
So we find ourselves on this road, our journey, and we had 4 kids and added two.
But wait...…………
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