Friday, February 5, 2010

Care for the Needy: the Past week in my life

As many of you know I was just on a trip to Monterrey Mexico with the James Fund. I want to share with you a bit about our experience. Our entire group meets up in Monterrey at the airport and then began our day trip to El Limon. This drive (we left at 2 and arrived at 10) allowed us to think through our week, and for me, reminded me how removed from ‘Life as we know it’ we were going to be (Ever had to PAY to use a toilet at a rest stop?).

The second day on Tuesday we began our day after breakfast working! Our job was to dig out trenches for the footers of the Stadium seats on the Sports Complex. Next mid afternoon we played with the children which is the highlight of every trip.

Wednesday the director of the home took us on a tour of the school on their property. This school is being used to make an impact on the entire community. We then completed 2 tasks. One was creating the rebar forms for the concrete that would be poured in the trenches as well as a group working 30’ off the ground on the fencing around the Sports Complex. Oh, and did I mention those brave souls on the scaffolding did this in the RAIN? Yet in it all, the team worked together through shared vision at a common goal, to build a financial sustenance for these kids through the Sports Complex.

Finally on Thursday we had a half day for us due to leaving for Back2Back, yet it was an emotionally full one when these kids shared their love with us. More to come on that.

These children were amazing, a topic unto themselves. These children in the home range from 4 years up. The best way to describe them is a close family unit. I know that sounds like an oxymoron for a children’s home yet it is true. We asked some of these kids if their friend was a sibling. The response was the same “either yes.” Or “Yes... in Christ”. One moment that Dan, our photographer guest experienced was when he was taking photos, one boy started crying profoundly. The teacher explained that his father was dead. Before he knew it the entire class came forward and laid hands on this boy praying for him! That is a FAMILY!
When we were working these boys would get out of school and jump right in. These kids wanted to be a part of it all!

We experienced a worship service Wednesday with these kids. The children were singing and praising with all their hearts and hands raised to God. When the music stopped they would just stand there in prayer, all of them praying “Thank you Jesus for your Love” “Thank you Jesus for this Home” and on and on. At one point I looked up to the front of the room and saw this young boy, probably about 5, on his knees in prayer and praise. The song we were singing was “In His Presence”. They sang and we surely were blessed to feel God’s presence this whole week.

Yet even that was topped on Thursday morning when before the children left for
school they shared their testimonies of what God has done, Children healing and lives reborn. Finally they came out to us and prayed over us. Each child came and laid hands on one of us. To be more precise they HUGGED us. I had 4 kids who came and clinged to my legs praying over me. Thanking God for us and our Love for them. Precious ones. I had Jenny a 4 or 5 year old who was around me and she was beginning to cry she hugged my leg and stopped all the 4 year old giggling games that she had been playing. All childhood attitude was gone while she bowed that little head and prayed. Like an original composition of the world’s greatest orchestra’s, lead by the greatest conductors, with the greatest musicians were those words.

We came to Love, we came to help, “To look after the Orphans”… yet so much greater was their love for us. They were Christ and ministered to each and every one of us.

So now for your challenge: What are you doing? Have the cries and needs of the children reached your ears? Do you support it with your time, your efforts, your passion, your prayers, or your finances? Those first 4 items (Time, Efforts, Passion and prayers) are infinitely more important than the last.
Time: Does your church have an orphan care ministry?

Efforts: If not then read James.

Passion: Does your Heart leap for what God does? Mourn with what He mourns? Does the very thought of 148 Million Orphans drive you to desperation or a stronger resolve to action?

Prayer: Do you intercede for the needs of the children? We should always bring them before our Father.

Finances: If you are able, do you support the cause of the orphans with your
monetary giving?

My prayer is you will make it a necessity to go on a trip with us. I know 13others (JUST FROM LAST WEEK) who would agree with me that you will go away changed forever. If you attend my church New Life Garage and are reading this, then it is an opportunity that we will be discussing soon (See me to know more).

“My Whole Being will exclaim, “WHO IS LIKE YOU, LORD?” You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from those who rob them.” Ps. 35:10.

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