Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Life In Christ Bible Review

 Most of you know that I love to study, to read.  Another thing that I found a love for while working in Christian Retail was a love for new Bibles.  Not just the smell and feel of a new Bible (Fresh Leather, unturned pages), but the love for new styles of devotional Bibles, new study notes, and different styles of study that help pinpoint a specific need.


It was in that vein that I jumped on the ability to review a new Bible from Thomas Nelson Bibles.  It is a LIFE IN CHRIST BIBLE.


Here are some of the descriptions of this Bible.

  • God has a purpose for your life in this moment. You have a part to play in what He is doing in the world. But knowing why you are here starts with knowing who God says you are. The Life in Christ Bible invites you to embrace your identity and purpose as you: 
    • Discover why you matter-not because of anything you do, but because you are made in the image of God. 
    • Explore how the gospel of Jesus Christ makes you a new person. 
    • Learn how who God says you are changes how you think, speak, work, and move through the world. 

·       Embrace your purpose as you discover why you matter, how the Gospel makes you a new person, and learn how that changes the way you think, speak, work, and move through the world. 


2 Key Details that drew my attention:

                  There are two details that stood out the most to me the most.  It wasn’t the beautiful “leather soft” cover, or the 2 bookmark ribbons so that your reading in the OT and NT may be marked at the same time.  The first detail was in the very back just before the maps.  It was a small note on the choice of font.  There are often details that we miss in “Just Another Bible”… It describes the very font is directly created to resemble a font from 1844 font used in printing the Bible.  This attention to the fundamental history of the Bible is amazing!

                  The second detail I loved was the Indexes in the beginning.  These indexes all speak to our Identity in Christ.  This is a so often misunderstood part of the grace of God, the grace of His transformation and redemption.  The work He has, and is, doing in each of us.  It is in finding who God says we are that we finally realize what it means to be FREE!  Countless studies and selections of verses to not just read the Bible in a year, but study specific Identity questions with Biblical advice.


                  These Bibles are available to Pre-order in the New King James Version.


                  You can find these Bibles for sale on Amazon:


If wanting to dig deeper into your identity in Christ, and how that changes the way you live, check this Bible out!  And anyone who comments will be entered to earn a FREE one!



Many thanks to HarperCollins Christian Publishing for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation. 



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