Saturday, August 31, 2013

Entangled: For Everything There is a Key with Harris the III

Saw a great film called “Entangled: For Everything there is a Key”…

Harris the III is the star of this unique drama which mixes both Dramatic film elements of an Illusionist and his apprentice, with real footage of a stage presentation by Harris the III. 

The overarching elemental theme of this film is deception and lies.  Are we being duped?  The truth that is portrayed in this film, from the dramatic to the stage, was that even when we do not know it we may be being duped.  “Adam had the whole garden, but yet he kept reaching for the Illusion of MORE”…. This is an amazing quote.

Harris the III as an illusionist is able to take the simple vase and ball trick or the rope trick that every 10 year old learns and turn it into a masterfully choreographed show. 

This film also shows truth and deception in a way that my children understood.  They were all fascinated by the tricks and the story.  And when you kids range from 4 to 11 that takes a lot!  (Scary thing is that 3 of them want to now be ‘tricksters’ as my 6 year old put it!!  That could be costly…. 

As I child I grew up around illusionists who came to churches.  I met multiple ones who were very famous.  I even learned multiple seemingly expensive tricks.  But as this show portrays you may know the secret of the illusion but without practice of your performance it will not amount to anything. 

This is one film that I would HIGHLY recommend!  Oh and by the way if you are an aspiring magician you can sign up for ‘Illusionism’ and learn from Harris the III some of the arts of Illusion.  So HARRIS THE III if you are reading this, this poor papa of 6 kids would LOVE to enroll their kids!!!  HAHA!!

Final point to this rambling: Many of you know my family, if not read back through this blog.  We believe in God’s call to us as Christians: Of reaching the poor, of missions, caring for the orphan and the widow, and of evangelism… These themes are LIVED by Harris the III who speaks to his career and success; yet God called him to sell his house and live a simpler life in order to help others!  Also in the Bonus Content he has an element/video entitled Truth where he gives a beautiful story of what God has done for all of us! 

THIS FILM will be a great tool to witness, and to help to start a conversation with your friends, neighbors and family!

Thanks for living and preaching the message!

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