Thursday, July 10, 2008

I John 1:1-2

"We have heard Him, touched Him, seen Him, and looked upon Him."
I read this and noticed something new tonight.
The word "we" is used by John. He is talking about all of the Eye Witnesses of Jesus, His ministry, His miracles etc...
The word used for 'we' is a verb in perfect tense.
What is so neat about that is perfect tense would denote a past action with a present, abiding, real, present EFFECT!!!
In other words John was saying "Look. I saw HIM. I know what HE did. I trust HIM. HE CHANGED ME. HE CONTINUES TO CHANGE ME! The very memory of HIM, the fleeting thought Changes me, effects me to my very core."
God's word has the anility to do that to you and me.
To change us, to EFFECT us.
I do not serve a dead savior! My God is alive and living.
When I truly take time to pray and think on His Scripture, He changes me. He effects me!

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