Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Life In Christ Bible Review

 Most of you know that I love to study, to read.  Another thing that I found a love for while working in Christian Retail was a love for new Bibles.  Not just the smell and feel of a new Bible (Fresh Leather, unturned pages), but the love for new styles of devotional Bibles, new study notes, and different styles of study that help pinpoint a specific need.


It was in that vein that I jumped on the ability to review a new Bible from Thomas Nelson Bibles.  It is a LIFE IN CHRIST BIBLE.


Here are some of the descriptions of this Bible.

  • God has a purpose for your life in this moment. You have a part to play in what He is doing in the world. But knowing why you are here starts with knowing who God says you are. The Life in Christ Bible invites you to embrace your identity and purpose as you: 
    • Discover why you matter-not because of anything you do, but because you are made in the image of God. 
    • Explore how the gospel of Jesus Christ makes you a new person. 
    • Learn how who God says you are changes how you think, speak, work, and move through the world. 

·       Embrace your purpose as you discover why you matter, how the Gospel makes you a new person, and learn how that changes the way you think, speak, work, and move through the world. 


2 Key Details that drew my attention:

                  There are two details that stood out the most to me the most.  It wasn’t the beautiful “leather soft” cover, or the 2 bookmark ribbons so that your reading in the OT and NT may be marked at the same time.  The first detail was in the very back just before the maps.  It was a small note on the choice of font.  There are often details that we miss in “Just Another Bible”… It describes the very font is directly created to resemble a font from 1844 font used in printing the Bible.  This attention to the fundamental history of the Bible is amazing!

                  The second detail I loved was the Indexes in the beginning.  These indexes all speak to our Identity in Christ.  This is a so often misunderstood part of the grace of God, the grace of His transformation and redemption.  The work He has, and is, doing in each of us.  It is in finding who God says we are that we finally realize what it means to be FREE!  Countless studies and selections of verses to not just read the Bible in a year, but study specific Identity questions with Biblical advice.


                  These Bibles are available to Pre-order in the New King James Version.


                  You can find these Bibles for sale on Amazon:


If wanting to dig deeper into your identity in Christ, and how that changes the way you live, check this Bible out!  And anyone who comments will be entered to earn a FREE one!



Many thanks to HarperCollins Christian Publishing for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation. 



#LifeInChristBibleMIN #LifeinChristBible 


Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Movie Review: Redeeming Love

            Back in 1997 a book came out that was instantly a powerful success in Christian retail.  “Redeeming Love” by Francine Rivers was that book.  This book told the story of how God’s redeeming love changes us.  It was a beautiful book that sold like crazy.  My wife has given out more copies of this book than I can even imagine.

            The book tells the story of a farmer who asks God to bring him his wife.  God points him to Angel the town Prostitute.  He then spends his money to buy time with her, yet never sleeps with her.  He then saves her after a beating by her “pimp”, the brothel owners.  At the same time asking her to be his wife.   And he nurses her, and cares for her. She though has a hard time understanding his love, and God’s love, and leaves him countless times.  Each time going back into her old life.  Yet because of God’s Redeeming Love he continues to pursue her and prove his love.  

            A more beautiful book on God’s grace and redemption is hard to come by.  

            When we saw it was being made into a movie, we were excited for it, as was my teenage daughter who has read this book.  My wife and I were shocked and very disappointed in the actual film.  Unfortunately, I cannot recommend this movie as it was done to my congregation or friends.

            I believe that the intent was to make this a movie for the secular world, not a Christian film, so that they would then be interested in the book or subsequent Podcast on the themes of the movie and thus be won to Christ.  The problem is the outcome of this movie is more akin to a Soft Porn film (And sometimes not that soft) like 50 Shades.  Scenes of the Brothel where all other women are clothed but Angel and her hair being the only thing covering her.  As well as two scenes of Sex that leave very little to the imagination.  

            Where God was the CENTER of the book, the movie is more about this Man’s love for Angel then God’s love.  

            As a Pastor, a father, and a Believer, I can’t recommend this movie as is.  My fear is many Believers will see the Title and rush to the theaters only to get up and leave.  It will hurt this film more than help it.  If they would just edit out the 2 scenes of erotic Sex, as well as the naked portion this film would still be around 2 hours long and be something I could recommend.  It would not change a single element of the film to not have those portions and would allow this film to be a film that I could take non-believers to and use as a steppingstone to belief in God’s redeeming Love. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Wonder of Creation by Louie Giglio

 The Wonder of Creation by Louie Giglio


Giglio is back with another amazing Devotional book.  I recently received a copy of this book and it is amazing.  There are 100 devotions based on the Wonder of God.  Have you ever looked at nature and science and seen the hand of God?  Well, you wouldn’t be alone.  Hundreds of the Fathers and Mothers of Science made ground breaking finds because they believed in God and that he was in control of it all!


This devotional book will help your child and yourself to learn many different things and find yourself captured in the Wonder of God and his creation.  Things like Narwhal’s tooth, and a flying lemur that’s not a lemur and doesn’t fly!  This is a great devotion for any child who loves learning, or even just tidbit facts to share! 


#WonderOfCreationMIN #thewonderofcreation #MomentumInfluencerNetwork



Many thanks to HarperCollins Christian Publishing for providing this product/product information for review.  Opinions are 100% my own.  I did receive the product in exchange for this review and post.


Monday, October 25, 2021

God With Us book review

I grew up in the church.  Hearing the stories of the Old Testament filtered through the lens of a teacher.  Stories geared to catch my attention, often softened for a child’s ears.  Then I learned to read.  I was, and still am, an insatiable reader.  Before I was 10, I had read everything from CS Lewis’ Narnia to Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.  I still remember as a 8 or 9 year old reading the Bible from cover to cover.  And I found that many of the stories sounded DIFFERENT than what I had heard.  Not in a theologically important way, but more in the (what I thought as a young boy) was a cool way… like David picked up the sword of Goliath and separated his head from his shoulders with it (I had missed that one in Sunday School).

This week I was given a book to review, God With Us: a Journey Home by Jeremy Pierre and illustrated by Cassandra Clark.  I wasn’t sure what to expect.  I thought it was a kid’s book, and it is, yet the artwork, the writing, the story all captured me.  I also thought it was a book talking about Heaven.  I was so wrong.


This book starts with the journey of two Angels watching as History unfolds.  Starting before the creation of the world and going through the Old Testament.  But here is the catch, they are talking to you and showing you how each incident was pointing to the MOST IMPORTANT NAME.  They never say their names as the story isn’t about them, they only want to introduce you to the work of God through JESUS, the Most important NAME.  Each event they paint a picture of what God is doing and it EXPLODES in the New Testament with Jesus.  They show how the Covenant connects with Abraham, how the Passover of Israel was just a small one compared to the Lamb that was to come.  


Now most kids’ books end with the beautiful story of Jesus.  His death and resurrection being the end of it.  But not this one.  Let me say first that in the crucifixion there are not graphic illustrations, yet there are powerful ones.  I was captured by the picture of Jesus with two guards on his sides and he had a tear running down his cheek.  Often, we see the PAIN of Jesus, but we don’t see tears, that is too human of a picture, yet so touching! 


The end of this book goes on to portray 40 pages of how this all affects you, the reader. Speaking to what the Temple of God looks like (Spoiler its YOU!), sharing the excitement of us all being on mission together with God to share the good news with others, reminding us that Jesus is always near.  Then the last two chapters are on heaven and “the unfished chapter” these leave you with a challenge and a longing.


Too often we miss the longing of Heaven.  This book paints the picture so vividly in the words of the author and the beautiful illustrations by Cassandra Clark.  The illustrations are not cartoonish nor classical, they are a modern classical approach that beautifully captures the eye.  As well the artists in some cases just has pages of watercolors that add to the mystery being presented.  


This book will be released as a Hardcover book, it is 268 pages long when it releases this December from Shepherds Press.

Many thanks to Shepherd Press for providing this product/product information for review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive the product in exchange for this review and post 

#GodWIthUsMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork


You can pre-order this keepsake book at the below links or Amazon



      For more information on this book you can also check out the books website:



Friday, September 24, 2021

Roar Like a Lion is a great family devotional.  We used this with our youngest who is 6, but it has challenging items that even our 7th grader enjoyed.

Each reading has a short story, Biblical emphasis and a practical challenge that is geared not just to encourage your child to be courageous for Christ, but to also do something.

These are short, simple, and impactful.

The illustrations are a unique modern style, definitely not the typical older style Americana drawings and thus add tremendously to the book! 

If looking for a devotional for a child to do alone or one that you can do together then look no further! Order yours at Amazon or other book retailers.

Disclosure: Many thanks to Thomas Nelson for providing this product/product information for review.  Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  I did receive the product in exchange for this review and post.

#RoarLikeALionMIN #roarlikealion #tommynelsonbooks

Monday, April 5, 2021

Colors of Character


            The latest craze on Disney+ right now, and I admit one that I love watching with my kids, is the Falcon and Winter Soldier.  In a recent episode Bucky Barnes introduces the Falcon to a man by the name of Isaiah.  Isaiah is a bitter man.  He is a bitter man because, as you discover, he had been a “super” soldier just like Captain America had been.  But instead of being praised as a hero like Cap, he was imprisoned, poked, tested on, and used by the government he thought he was defending.  Why?  Because post World War II the world didn’t see him as a hero but as a black man.  

            Now this is a fiction show, but it speaks to a truth that was experienced by many.  Dr. John Perkins speaks of his brother who recently returned from WW II, thought he would return as an equal and yet was beaten and abused by local officers in the deep south.  It is unfortunately the story of many, that we don’t see.  

            In the documentary Colors of Character we get introduced to a Steve Skipper who could have been the next Thomas Kinkaid.  He should have been a household name.  He should have been painting art that is seen printed and in every single department store nationwide.  But it isn’t.  Why?  Because he was a young black male who grew up in the south.

            Now before someone dismiss this documentary, let me describe the key element.  Steve was an untrained artist.  He had a gift given by God that he often set to the side because he could never be an artist.  But God.  He became a leader of the gangs, a known dealer, and yet through it all God pursued him.  Through the bold witness of another student, and the commitment of a teacher who saw his gifts, God continued to pull him towards his Saving Grace.

            Steve’s went through many other struggles and yet the Holy spirit continued to miraculously improve his painting skills when the world, accidents, injuries all seemed to try to take it away from him. 

            Steve’s story is not about color but about the CHARACTER of a man who is devoted fully to God.  Are you an artist? This is for you.  Are you searching for God? This is for you!  Are you stuck in your past and need to find healing? This is for you!  


Check out the Trailer:

Rent/buy Colors of Character on DVD or on demand from the comfort of your own home, and watch wherever you watch movies! 


Disclosure: Many thanks to Collide Distribution for providing this product/product information for review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.


#ColorsofCharacterMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

 Church People


I’ve said before, one of the things I miss the most from my time working in Christian retail was the reviewing of Christian films.  Some were made for TV while some were Movie Theater quality.


I recently received Church People to review from Collide Distribution.  This movie is a comical look at a mega church youth leader who begins to question the bigger is better mentality of this church.  It all comes to a head when the Good Friday service planning leads to a decision to do a real-life crucifixion and the youth pastor is chosen for the honor.  Some honor! LOL!


You will find such a fun, well-acted, well written, comical look at larger churches that doesn’t condemn them but does help seek to bring them back to the Gospel!


I strongly recommend this film as it is a hilarious look at church, at pasts before Christ, and at seeking to remind us to remove things from our lives that distract from the Gospel message.  Oh and did I mention that Joey Fatone from NSYNC is the Worship leader!  


As a senior pastor at a church, I connected with some of this.  As well, I have been a part of a couple large churches and large church networks in my time.  I have heard some of these phrases such as needing bigger!!



#ChurchPeopleFilm #ChurchPeopleMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork



Disclosure: Many thanks to Collide Distribution for providing this product/product information for review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Dolphin Island Review

One of the things I miss from my time in Christian Retail was helping to review nearly every film that we sold for content. In the Christian film industry, there are times where you get GREAT films, and other times you get films that are well meaning, but due to poor writing, acting, etc., they miss the mark.

The kids and I recently given the link to watch this film, Dolphin Island, and to review. The concept of the movie is simple. A Young girl has experienced the loss of both parents and is living with her Grandfather in a houseboat in a fishing community. The rich Grandparents who have had nothing to do with her for 10 years now want to take full custody and will use any means necessary to do so.

First let me say, it is a well-suited film for young children, although the topic can be a bit intense and there is a scene where the girl runs away, and a boat explodes leaving her unconscious in the water. Depending on your child that might be a bit intense. If you are looking for a family movie night without language, violence, and you've caught up on all other films. Then this is the film for you.

The scenery is beautiful, and the use of live animals is a plus in this film. Especially on a snowy northeast Ohio day, it will make you ready for a vacation to Sunny Coasts.

Some of the acting makes this a movie that my teenage self would have made fun of my parents for watching. Yet it is very enjoyable and fun to watch.

Disclosure: Many thanks to Entertainment Squad for providing this product/product information for review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.#DolphinIslandMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork

Thursday, January 3, 2019

I recently was given a free copy of Grace-Based Recovery to read and to review.
There are a couple items this is and it is not.
First it is a great book for a life group or a small group to go through to deal with recovery.  The way it is laid out allows for the leader to have some tips and guidelines as where to go.  Without these the leaders can cause the groups to go off on the wrong tangents if not trained in counseling.
Second the book is a great resource just to read and doesn't have to be used as a group.  It contains a lot of research and work that is invaluable.

What it is not:
a Legal reminder to counselors about anything dealing with Counseling.  As those of us know who do any counseling or Pastoral counseling there are multiple legal issues that surround you when you are counseling someone.

While a very small book in comparison to groups like Celebrate Recovery etc. I am very interested in how this book can be used in a Life Group and hope to complete it as one here soon.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Every year thousands of teenagers and college-age adults get together to learn about and worship Jesus.   This is simply called PASSION!
Their vision statement is:
“Rooted out of the Passion movement, we are committed to leading people towards renewed intimacy with God and fresh encounters of worship. Passion is more than music. More than events. Passion is a generation living for His name."
This year's live music will again be released on an album on Feb 23rd at (This will be updated and active on 2/23 when the digital album release

The list is spectacular of the artists involved:
Kristian Stanfill, Sean Curran, Melodie Malone, Brett Younker, Crowder, Matt Redman, and Tauren Wells all are involved.

This album has been streaming on my computer almost non-stop of when I first received the link. Last year's top track for me was Glorious Day/I Ran out of the Grave.  That tune was very catchy and compelling.

This album doesn't leave wanting in songs that can be translated easily into your Sunday Morning.
There are newer versions of classics such as "Great are you Lord" with Matt Redman, and "All my hope" with Crowder and Tauren Wells.

Personally, my favorite song is a slower song with the typical musical swell in the end that ramps up the dynamics to make "More Like Jesus" with Kristian Stanfill a powerful pray song.
Heaven with Sean Curran is another great song reminding us where our focus should be, living in expectation of Heaven.

Musically this is a strong album.  With the variety of instrumentation leads that you would expect of Passion.

I'd love to be able to share this CD with you and ONE PERSON will be selected to win this album on FEB. 19th at 7:00 pm.
To be entered in the Drawing just comment below with your FAVORITE Passion Song and I'll enter you in the drawing.
Winner will be notified by Facebook messenger on Feb. 20th.

“Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255:  “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”):  Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway.  Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway.  If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller /FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days on the same blog, you are not eligible to win.  Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again.  Winner is subject to eligibility verification.